Active Members

The Active Members :
To be an active member, it is necessary to present his written request to the chairman of the board of directors and / or it is necessary to be presented by one and / or several members of the association and to be approved by the board of directors which decides in sovereignty on the requests presented.
Active members are represented by a delegated natural person who will have to bring:
a. a written mandate of representation of his company.
b. a receipt for the registration of his company in the Register of Commerce and Companies (Kbis).
c. a color and legible photocopy of his passport.
Active members undertake to respect the principles defined in the articles of the statutes and pay an annual subscription, the amount of which is fixed by the Board of Directors.
In case of rejection of the application for membership, the board of directors is not required to give reasons for its decision, unless it decides otherwise.