ACEIDD - Organization


Board of Directors

Membres Fondateurs

Board of Directors :

The association is administered between two General Assemblies by a Board of Directors comprising :

Ø The Founding members,

Ø A Honorary member,

Ø The three active members,

Ø The three substitutes active members,

Ø elected for three years by the General Assembly.

The founding members constitute the first board of directors of the association.

They can complete it after the membership of honor and active members. These members are re-eligible.

The founding members from the signing of these statutes become permanent members of the board of directors and the active and substitute members of the board of directors are renewed each year by a third party, the outgoing members for the first 2 renewals will be designated by lot. In case of vacation, and if need be, the council provisionally provides for the replacement of its members. They are finally replaced by the next general assembly. The powers of the members thus elected end at the time when the term of office of the replaced members would normally expire.

The number of administrators and functions within the association could be revised by an absolute majority of the general assembly of the association.

E. EMAD, Fondateur et Président d'Honneur de l'ACEIDD Seedreza EMAD, Fondateur et Président de l'ACEIDD Navid EMAD, Fondateur et Président Adjoint de l'ACEIDD .
Ebrahim EMAD
Founding Member
Honorary President
Saeed EMAD
Founding Member
Navid EMAD
Founding Member
Deputy Chairman
Hamid Reza EMAD
Honorary Member

. . .
Active member of the board of directors
Active member of the board of directors
Active member of the board of directors

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