ACEIDD - Organization


Executive Board

Sectoral Scientifc & Professional Commissions

ACEIDD - Sectoral scientific & Professional Commissions

In accordance with article 3 of the articles of association, the Board of Directors, based on the specialties and experiences of the founding, honorary, benefactor, active and adherent members, will propose their participation in the commissions concerned.

ACEIDD la Commission des Conseils en Stratégie de Développement Durable
1. The Commission of Sustainable Development Strategy Advices (CSDSA)

ACEIDD - Les Commissions Juridiques
2. The Legal Commissions (LC)

2.1. The Legal Commissionin in Charge of the Parliamentary Affairs (LCCPA)

2.2. The Legal Commission in Charge of the Judicial Affairs (LCCJA)

ACEIDD - les Commissions Economiques
3. The Economic Commissions (EC)

3.1. The Economic Commission in Charge of the Energies (ECC E)

3.2. The Economic Commission in Charge of the Agriculture (ECC A)

3.3. The Economic Commission in Charge of the Industries & Mines (ECC IM)

3.4. The Economic Commission in Charge of the Development of Trade and Services (ECCDTS)

3.5. The Economic Commission in Charge of the Funds for Sustainable Development (ECCF DD)

3.6. The Economic Commission in Charge of the Informations & Communications (ECC IC)

3.7. The Economic Commission in Charge of the New Technologies & Computer Programs (ECC TCP)

3.8. The Economic Commission in Charge of the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries and Aquaculture (CEC DD PA)

ACEIDD - les Commissions culturelles
4. The Cultural Commissions (CC)

4.1. The Cultural Commission in Charge of the Education, Formation & Job Creation (CCCEFJC)

ACEIDD - les Commissions Sociales
5. The Social Commissions (SC)

5.1. The Social Commission in Charge of the Social Helth (SCCSH)

5.2. The Social Commission in Charge of the Housing (SCCH)

5.3. The Social Commission in Charge of the Transports & Roads (SCCTR)

5.4. The Social Commission in Charge of the Tourist Development (SCCTD)

5.5. The Social Commission in Charge of the Urban and Rural Development (SCCURD)

ACEIDD - les Commissions Administrative
6. The Administrative Commissions (ADMC)

ACEIDD - les Commissions Administrative
7. The Executive Commissions (EXEC)

ACEIDD - les Commissions Administrative
8. The Environmental Commissions (ENVC)

8.1. The Environmental Commission in Charge of the Renewable Energy Development (ENVCCRED)

8.2. The Environmental Commission in Charge of the New Technology for City Air Purification "ENVCCNTCAP"

Contact with the Sectoral Commissions Direction within ACEIDD

ACEIDD Commissions sectorielles - Contact

ACEIDD, Practices of the International
Chairman of the Board of Directors, The Communicated and Reminders
The Communicated and Reminders

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