ACEIDD - Organization

Our organization
The Scientific and Professional Sectoral Commissions within IECASD (ACEIDD)

ACEIDD - Sectoral scientific & Professional Commissions

In accordance with article 3 of the articles of association, the Board of Directors, based on the specialties and experiences of the founding, honorary, benefactor, active and adherent members, will propose their participation in the commissions concerned.

E. EMAD, EMAD Consulting, ACEIDD and International Partners

3. The Economic Commissions "EC"

ACEIDD - The Economic Commissions

3.7. the Economic Commission in charge of New Technologies and IT "ECC NTI"


Navid EMAD
Director of the ECCNTI

Contact :

• Développeur

Master 2 Degree from EPITECH
(European Institute of Technology)

E. EMAD, EMAD Consulting, New Technologies
ACEIDD - CECNTI - Afrique - Africa ACEIDD - CECNTI - Asie - Asia plan ACEIDD - Europe plan ACEIDD - CECNTI - Océanie - Oceania  plan ACEIDD - CECNTI - Amérique - America  plan

ACEIDD - CECNTI - Amérique - America  plan


Member of the ECCNTI
Contact :

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