Adherent members

1. Associations - Adherent Members
2. Associations - Coopering Associative Partners

1. Associations - Adherent Members
Statuses : Article 5. paragraph 5. a.
To be an adherent member, it is necessary to be :
1). A written mandate of representation of the association,
3). A color and legible photocopy of the passport,
4). A legible photocopy of the association's articles of association.
and to present a written request to the Chairman of the Board of Directors to be approved by the Board of Directors,
which takes a final decision on the requests presented.
A contributions, the amount of which is determined on a case-by-case basis by the Board of Directors.
The Board may waive the membership fee in recognition of services rendered or to be rendered to the association.
In the event of rejection of a membership application, the Board of Directors is not required to give reasons for
its decision, unless it decides otherwise

2. Associations - Coopering Associative Partners
For other associative persons with the same vision compatible with our sectoral practices:

The necessary steps before the creation of “the association” as a Cooperating Association, with the same vision as us for the Sustainable Development :
While respecting the rights of sovereignty and independence of countries on an international level, we could accompany legal and economic support to associations that have already been legitimately created and that have had and have the same goals as our ACEIDD, and to new applicants for the creation of new associations in the countries concerned for Sustainable Development in the following manner:
1). Firstly, after having received the letter of intent and the color copy of the valid passport from the new applicants for the creation of associations only in their respective countries concerned, and the approval of the applications by our Board of Directors, we could send them the necessary documents including proposing a similar logo of our Association (taking into account the first and the second letter of their respective country) having the link of our site “www.aceidd.com” so that they can make the necessary steps in due form with their respective authorities of the countries concerned.
2). Then, after creating their associations in their respective countries and sending their official documents via our regional and/or continental directors concerned, we could sign a confidentiality agreement (NCND) and an International Legal and Economic Cooperation Conventional Agreement (ILECCA) with them and by harmonizing with the competent national economic and monetary authorities, in accordance with international and national banking regulations, we will take the necessary steps to open a bank account in the name of our ACEIDD for the receipt of funds in favor of the national projects concerned.
Finally, after signing the two documents (NCND and ILECCA, the holders of well-defined local private
and public
projects, could have the opportunity to present their projects to the associations concerned, who, after studying
their files and approving their compatibility with the documents required for our legal, economic and financial
support, mentioned on our website :
Accompaniment projects
and via our regional directors with a Cc. for our Continental director concerned, otherwise, directly for the
Continental Directors concerned :
Continental Direction in Africa
Continental Direction in Asia
Continental Direction in Europe
Continental Direction in Oceania
Continental Direction in America
and/or for the President of the Executive Board of our ACEIDD :

We remind you that:
Recently, we have constated that some natural and/or legal persons outside our
without taking into account our procedure of simplified accompaniment and
our reminder published on our site,
have tried to use
the link to our website
on their logo and their associative documents
by proposing certain types of the mandates, the agreements and/or contracts qui
which have nothing
to do with our conventional legal and economic approaches and which
are not compatible
with the current regulations concerning the economic accompaniment of the real Program and/or Project's Owners, our
Charter and internal regulations of our
Only the associations that have been set up and/or are in the process of being set up, and which are mentioned via
the following link
sur notre site pourraient être considérées comme nos partenaires associatifs internationaux.
If a logo and/or the document with the link to our site has been presented to you, without authorization of the
Honorary President, President of the Executive Board, the company or the applicant must immediately inform the
Honorary President, and / or the President of the
Executive Board via the following emails:
Consequently, our ACEIDD, without the prior written authorization of our board of directors and/or our executive board assumes no responsibility vis-a-vis third parties and the signatories of these types the mandates, the agreements and/or contracts of support for their programs and/or projects.
Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Board of Directors and Executive Office
December, 24th 2024