Our organization
The Scientific and Professional Sectoral Commissions within IECASD (ACEIDD)
In accordance with article 3 of the articles of association, the Board of Directors, based on the specialties and experiences of the founding, honorary, benefactor, active and adherent members, will propose their participation in the commissions concerned.

3. The Economic Commissions "EC"

3.7. the Economic Commission in charge of New Technologies and IT "ECC NTI"

Navid EMAD
Director of the ECCNTI
Contact : cecnti.directeur@aceidd.com
• Développeur
Master 2 Degree from EPITECH
(European Institute of Technology)
In 1980, the Institut Supérieur Européen de Gestion (ISEG Paris) founded, the first of the schools that would
eventually form IONIS Education Group in 2002.

For 20 years, Epitech has been the referent school for IT expertise and innovation.
Through a IT course or digital course, train yourself up with our comprehensive programs allowing you to master the
digital challenges of any business.
Choosing Epitech is to live an experience. Autonomy, freedom, creativity are the keywords of our school. Each profile
is taken into account and our active, inductive and project-based learning adapts to the individual.
Excellence, solidarity and courage are the values of Epitech. We train the leaders of tomorrow, recognized for their
uniqueness, their adaptability and their ability to make others grow.
International, A gateway to the world
In a globalized world, a high-level career, particularly in IT, cannot be envisaged without an international
dimension. Joining Epitech is choosing to join a school based on an international ecosystem, rich in opportunities for
its students.
The 4th year of our 5-year course must take place abroad, either in one of our 4 campuses located outside France, or
in one of our 80 partner universities. A signatory to the Erasmus university charter, Epitech has established
partnership agreements with these European universities in order to facilitate bilateral exchanges between
Our partner universities
At Epitech we consider it paramount to awaken the curiosity and openness of our students, in particular by giving them
access to cultures different from ours. We encourage them to discover another approach to IT, to take inspiration from
it and use this newfound knowledge to complement their existing skill-set. IT is not only just technical expertise; it
is likewise part of a global and international method.

Dear International Students,
We will be happy to welcome you to Epitech and hope you will enjoy this unique learning experience!
Epitech has solidified its reputation as a leading educational institution transforming a passion for computer science
into expertise, opening doors to high-potential employment opportunities comparable to those enjoyed by graduates from
the elite French Universities, also known as the “Grandes Ecoles” (96% employment rate after graduation). Business
demands functional education based on the innovative Epitech model, which is built upon three qualities that are
increasingly required in the workplace: adaptability, self-development and a sense of project management.