General Conditions of Use (GCU)

Version 1 - 01/03/2014
is managed by a Board of Directors which is an Association.
It is governed by the provisions of the applicable laws.
In application of the applicable laws, ACEIDD has adopted general transparency and risk management policies, in particular IT and personal data.
It is within this highly regulated framework that ACEIDD achieves its main mission of collecting and distributing to its members and partners or from right holders who have addressed it and / or given a mandate, which it collects from right holders of his repertoire.
1/ Purpose of the website
The purpose of the ACEIDD website (bilingual French / English site) :
The ACEIDD website is also intended for all audiences who are interested in or follow questions relating to the rights of the international economy and sustainable development.
2/ Acceptance of the general conditions of use
These general conditions govern the use of the ACEIDD website. They are submitted to French law. They are applicable to you as soon as you access the website, whether from the home page or from any other page.
ACEIDD reserves the right to modify and update the general conditions of use of the site at any time. Each new version of the general conditions of use, numbered and dated, comes into force from the date of its posting on the ACEIDD website. It applies under the conditions described in the paragraph above.
You are therefore invited to regularly consult the legal notices and general conditions of use in force at the time of your access to the website, from the home page, or from any other page.
3/ Access to the website
The ACEIDD website is accessible at the URL address www.aceidd.com, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure, computer breakdowns, maintenance operations, updates or problems related to telecommunications networks.
Access, information and services offered on the ACEIDD website are free. The benefit of certain services can however be conditioned by a payment (for example, the online authorization request, etc.).
4/ Access to website spaces and services
4.1 Access to services open to the public
Certain website services are public: they are open to anyone.
The use of these services may require the creation of an account (username and password), depending on the terms of the service concerned.
4.2 Access to personal areas
Spaces on the ACEIDD website are reserved, in particular for its members, beneficiaries, or other organizations or institutions. Special conditions and modalities are necessary to access and benefit from a personal space. To find out about them, we invite you to go to the corresponding pages of the website.
Certain services open to the public (hereinafter "service (s)") are also offered in the personal areas (hereinafter "space (s)"). You should then log in to benefit from it.
4.3 Obligations relating to all of the website's services and spaces
The username and password required to access the spaces and services are personal and strictly confidential. As such, you must reserve the exclusive use for it.
Any action on the website using your username and / or password is considered to have been carried out by you. You are solely responsible for the consequences which could result from their communication to third parties.
You agree to immediately inform ACEIDD of any unauthorized use of your username and / or password, and more generally of any breach of the security of the ACEIDD website of which you are aware.
5/ Protection of personal data
ACEIDD attaches great importance to the protection of personal data.
It implements technical and organizational measures to ensure the effective protection of your data in accordance with the applicable regulations.
The site www.aceidd.com was declared to the TC of Nanterre and to the INSEE on January 03, 2014.
Personal data is an information which makes it possible to identify a natural person, directly (for example: name, first name, address, etc.) or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier (for example, that which allows access to a service or space).
5.1. ACEIDD personal data processing.
ACEIDD collects and processes personal data during your visit to the site and the use of services and spaces in order to carry out and fulfill its various missions in accordance with its statutes and the regulations applicable to it.
ACEIDD is responsible for these treatments.
The information relating to the processing of personal data carried out by ACEIDD within the framework of the services and spaces appears in their own conditions of use.
During your visit to the website, ACEIDD collects and processes personal data which concerns you, on the basis of your consent (eg audience measurement cookies) or in the legitimate interest of ACEIDD to respond to requests that you address to it in the context of its missions and the actions it undertakes for the protection and defense of client rights.
The personal data processing carried out by ACEIDD during your use of the site has the following purposes:
- Respond to your requests for information or assistance,
- Ensure the proper functioning of the site and services.
Your data is intended for the internal services of ACEIDD, if necessary to its international partners (associations and etc.) in the management bodies of which it sits, to its subsidiaries which provide services on its behalf for the purposes of carrying out its missions and also to service providers acting on behalf of ACEIDD (in particular web partners).
Your data is not subject to any transfer or concession to third parties, whether free of charge or for a fee. ACEIDD is indeed an association which does not carry out any commercial exploitation of your data.
Your data is kept for the time necessary to process your request and to monitor your relationship with ACEIDD, then for the entire duration of the legal provisions applicable in the event of a dispute, and if necessary during the period of exploitation of the rights of your works.
The processing of personal data constituted by cookies and the duration of their storage are specified below.
5.2. The Cookies
A cookie is a file sent by the internet server to your browser. It is stored on your device memory.
Learn more about the cookies.
Internal cookies necessary for the site to function.
These cookies allow the site to function optimally. You can delete them using your browser settings. However, your user experience may be degraded.
6/ Intellectual property
All the elements constituting the ACEIDD website (texts, graphics, software, photographs, images, sounds, videos, maps, logos, brands, creations and various protectable works, databases, etc.) as well as the site itself, fall under French and international legislation on intellectual property and more specifically, copyright, rights related to copyright (in particular articles L.122-4 and L.122-5 of the Code of intellectual property) and trademark law.
They are the exclusive property of ACEIDD, except for elements produced by parties outside ACEIDD who have not assigned their intellectual property rights. These general conditions of use do not confer any property rights on the ACEIDD website or on any of its ACEIDD elements and use its services, in particular:
- Not to integrate all or part of the content of the ACEIDD website into a third party site, whether for commercial purposes or not,
- Not to reproduce the information appearing on the website of ACEIDD on supports of any kind allowing to reconstruct all or part of the original files.
ACEIDD reserves the right to take any legal action against people who have not complied with the prohibitions contained in this article.
7/ Hypertext links pointing, from the site "www.aceidd.com" to other sites
The ACEIDD website contains hypertext links to other websites, edited and/or managed by third parties.
However, sites constantly evolving or being liable to be deleted at any time by the third-party publisher, ACEIDD, which does not have control over these sites, cannot be held responsible for the permanent quality, content, modification or deletion of these sites.
ACEIDD cannot be held responsible for these outgoing hypertext links.
8/ Responsibilities
ACEIDD declines any responsibility :
- In the event of an interruption of the ACEIDD site, in particular for technical maintenance operations or updating of the information published,
- In case of impossibility of access to online spaces and services, in particular due to technical problems and whatever their origin and provenance,
- In the event of direct or indirect damage to you, whatever its nature, resulting from the content, access or use of the website,
- In case of abnormal use or illicit exploitation of the ACEIDD website. You are solely responsible for damages caused to third parties and the consequences of claims or actions that may arise therefrom. You also renounce to exercise any recourse against ACEIDD in the case of proceedings brought by a third party against you due to the use and/or illegal exploitation of the site.
ACEIDD declines any responsibility in the event of loss of your identifier and / or password or in the event of theft of your identity.
ACEIDD finally reserves the right to take any legal action against any person who has not complied with the provisions relating to articles 323-1 to 323-8 of the Penal Code or any article replacing it, and in particular who would fraudulently access all or part of an automated data processing system for the spaces and services of the ACEIDD website. ................................................