Our national & international associative partners
➡️ Western African countries
➡️ The Republic of Ivory Coast

The IICEASD Chairman's Message
Denis jacques TAILLY
Towards the development that corresponds to us :
Legal, Economic, Cultural, Social, Administrative and Exécutive

Since the independence of the 1960, Africa has failed to trigger a real takeoff. Many forecasters are tracing the fate of the "Cradle of Humankind" for the next 50 years. But to look at it, our continent does not lack ideas, But the means that our takeoff really needs.
Yes! Everyone desires that the appropriate alternatives and solutions be made available to his immediate needs, and that the plans and programs decided today have a positive impact on the society as a whole. This is the official definition of sustainable development.
But what do we see globally in the case of Côte d'Ivoire?
1. 1. In northern Côte d'Ivoire, rural producers have no choice but to cling to the production of cotton and cashew nuts, the two main export-oriented industrial products that are capable of providing significant recurring revenue;
2. 2. In the forest regions, it is still the industrial export crops that invade all arable land: cocoa, coffee, rubber, oil palm.
So we are, at our modest level, looking for a model and means of development that could provide satisfactory answers to our concerns:
a. Acting for programs or projects of significant scope in order to be able to drive development in a given area or region, and not only to provide substantial gains to the promoters alone;
b. Have affordable programs or projects;
c. To have a sufficiently effective framework to guarantee the good total realization of the program or the project.
And this model is provided to us by the Mega Economie Programme ( M. E. P. ) as a legal and sustainable economic solution and and the 4th Generation of Finance (4GF) as a conventional legal and economic alternative that pilot ACEIDD (IECASD), partner of our national association AICEIDD. These perfectly innovative designs for the promotion of sustainable development appear to us as the model, accompanied by the appropriate means that are suitable for us in la Côte d’Ivoire and Africa. We therefore subscribe fully to the three poles of its implementation, namely :
1. The Participants who are the providers of the funds, technologies and Skills. These International Participants only intervene for sustainable development programs and / or projects of acceptable scope;
2. The Acceptings (beneficiaries) who are the States, the various legal and physical persons, members of our national associations, subscribing to the charter and the principles of the PME;
3. The Programmers interfaces credible and essential for the good conduct of the program . In the case of Côte d'Ivoire are , ACEIDD and AICEIDD.
The AICEIDD, with its sectoral commissions, will support and guide all program and project holders in partnership with ACEIDD, with its sectoral commissions and its continental, regional and national associations to make the ( M. E. P. ) and 4GF (4th Generation Finance) the solution and alternative development for developing countries, especially without increasing their debt is already a burden for them.
To know more about "the New Vision for Sustainable Development", we invite you to visit the following links:

Thank you in advance for your visit .
Abjdjan - Côte d'Ivoire

IIECASD and the Fourth Generation of Finance