Copyright: IECASD (ACEIDD)

Intellectual property
All the elements constituting the ACEIDD website (texts, graphics, software, photographs, images, sounds, videos, maps, logos, brands, creations and various protectable works, databases, etc.) as well as the site itself, fall under French and international legislation on intellectual property and more specifically, copyright, rights related to copyright (in particular articles L.122-4 and L.122-5 of the Code of intellectual property) and trademark law.
They are the exclusive property of ACEIDD, except for elements produced by parties outside ACEIDD who have not assigned their intellectual property rights. These general conditions of use do not confer any property rights on the ACEIDD website or on any of its ACEIDD elements and use its services, in particular :
Ø Not to integrate all or part of the content of the ACEIDD website into a third party site, whether for commercial purposes or not,
Ø Not to reproduce the information appearing on the website of ACEIDD on supports of any kind allowing to reconstruct all or part of the original files.
Subject in particular to articles L. 122-5, L. 211-3 and L. 342-3 of the Intellectual Property Code, any use not expressly authorized of the ACEIDD website or any of its elements entails an infringement of intellectual property rights and constitutes an infringement. It can also lead to a violation of image rights, personal rights or any other rights and regulations in force. It can therefore engage the civil and / or criminal liability of its author.
ACEIDD reserves the right to take any legal action against people who have not complied with the prohibitions contained in this article.