International Partners
E. EMAD, EMAD Consulting, ACEIDD and International Partners

Our national and international partners, whether you are a legal entity or a natural person, IECASD (ACEIDD) and its national and international partners can propose the conferences, training courses, scientific and professional accompaniments, studies, audits and expertise, as well as offering services tailored to your needs on both the national and international levels.

ACEIDD, Pratiques de l'International

Our national & international associative partners

IIECASD, Ivory Coast ACEIDD, Internartional Partners - ICECASD in R. of Cameroon

Associations in the process of forming

Internartional Partners - IMOECASD in Morocco International Partners - India - AINECASD International Partners - Sri Lanka - ASLECASD International Partners - AEMECASD - The United Arab Emirates Internartional Partners - IGECASD in Guinea


1. Associations - Adherent Members
2. Associations - Coopering Associative Partners

We remind you that:

Recently, we have constated that some natural and/or legal persons outside our ACEIDD, without taking into account our procedure of simplified accompaniment and our reminder published on our site, , have tried to use the link to our website «» sur on their logo and their associative documents by proposing certain types of the mandates, the agreements and/or contracts qui which have nothing to do with our conventional legal and economic approaches and which are not compatible with the current regulations concerning the economic accompaniment of the real Program and/or Project's Owners, our Charter and internal regulations of our ACEIDD.

Only the associations that have been set up and/or are in the process of being set up, and which are mentioned via the following link "/en/international-partners/associations/" sur notre site pourraient être considérées comme nos partenaires associatifs internationaux.

If a logo and/or the document with the link to our site has been presented to you, without authorization of the Honorary President, President of the Executive Board, the company or the applicant must immediately inform the Honorary President, and / or the President of the ACEIDD Executive Board via the following emails: - -

Consequently, our ACEIDD, without the prior written authorization of our board of directors and/or our executive board assumes no responsibility vis-a-vis third parties and the signatories of these types the mandates, the agreements and/or contracts of support for their programs and/or projects.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Board of Directors and Executive Office
December, 24th 2024

Chairman of the Board of Directors, The Communicated and Reminders
The Communicated and Reminders

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