ACEIDD - Organization

IECASD (ACEIDD) > Board of Directors

Executive Board

Bureau Exécutif

Executive Board :

The council elects from among its members, by secret vote, an office composed of:

Ø a honoray president ;

Ø a president

Ø a deputy president

Ø if applicable, one or more vice presidents

Ø a secretary general and, if necessary, a deputy secretary general

Ø a general treasurer and, if necessary, a deputy treasurer general.

The board meets whenever necessary, when convened by the president or at the request of half of its members. It shall see to the proper functioning of the Association and to the implementation of decisions taken by the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.

The president assures the right of representation of the association in all the acts of the civil life. The respective roles of the members of the board may be specified in the rules of procedure provided for in Article 16 of these Statutes.

Setting up the top level office is only meaningful if the board of directoir is important. Otherwise, it suffices to appoint among the members of the council, president, secretary and treasurer.

This organization, around the 3 positions listed above, is found in almost all cases; however, it should be noted that the law only requires declaring "Persons who in any capacity are in charge of the administration" of the association. It is therefore permissible to set up another operating system.

All functions held on the Board of Directors and the Board are free of charge. However, reimbursements of expenses may be granted according to the rules set by the Board of Directors and on proof. It is better to reimburse the actual costs of volunteers and administrators rather than a flat-rate basis. The URSSAF, in particular, could question the validity of these refunds and, if necessary, requalify them in remuneration giving rise to contributions.

E. EMAD, Fondateur et Président d'Honneur de l'ACEIDD Seedreza EMAD, Fondateur et Président de l'ACEIDD
Ebrahim EMAD
Honorary President
Saeed EMAD
of Executive Board

Navid EMAD, Fondateur et Président Adjoint de l'ACEIDD . .
Navid EMAD
General secretary
of Executive Board
Hamid Reza EMAD
Genaral Treasurer
of Executive Board
Vice president Charged
the Banking Business

. .
General Secretary
of Executive Board
Genaral Treasurer
of Executive Board

. . . . .
Vice president
in charge of
Practices in Africa
Vice president
in charge of
Practices in Asia
Vice president
in charge of
Practices in Europe
Vice president
in charge of
Practices in Oceania
Vice president
in charge of
Practices in America

1 ACEIDD The Five Continents

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