ACEIDD, Public Relations, The New Items & the Archives
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E. EMAD, EMAD Consulting, ACEIDD et les partenaires internationaux ...............

ACEIDD - Continental Dirigeants Continentaux ACEIDD - Commissions Sectorielles ACEIDD - Associations at International Level

Ebrahim EMAD


Welcome to the website of the "EMAD Consulting" Group!

This page contains all the information you need, to focus on the fact that consulting the site in good and due form and following numerous hyperlinks from page to page. whether you are a legal entity or a scientific and professional individual. whether you are legal or physical scientific and professional persons.

For that, we imagined, prepared and presenter the videos around 6 espaces : (Follow-up)

E. EMAD 2014

Ebrahim EMAD
Founder and Honorary President :

Why the creation of the ACEIDD ?

Considering the gradual evolution of the economy towards the internationalization and the shortcomings of the existing procedures in the field of international monetary and financial affairs, in other words, the lack of attractiveness of the international classical finance in the realization of the national projects of the developing, emerging and developed countries, as a researcher and international legal and economic adviser, since 1995 when the WTO was set up, I have analyzed the main reasons for this.

Then, thanks to an international scientific collaboration ( legal and economic internationale ) and professional, our research allowed us to note the following points : (Fallow-up)

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